Have you heard about the CloudAct ? Do you care about your personal data ? Your business data maybe ? As any individuals, companies or governments, keeping our data secure should be a right and a duty. NextCloud makes this duty easier and we will walk through the few steps to install it locally. Source : www.nextcloud.com
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I actually learned how to read music sheet by writing code. LilyPond makes its so easy that you will believe this is true story. When music sheet looked like Chinese to me, writing code like "c c g g a a" looked very familiar to me as I learnt to read guitar tablatures online.
"c c g g a a" means "do do sol sol la la" and LilyPond lets you generate beautiful music sheets from this simple code…
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Why decentralized social medias ? Because it allows anybody to host his own data. And if it is too difficult to do so you can choose where your data will be stored : in your city, on your friend server, in your region/country,... There are a lot of decentralized platforms nowadays based on blockchain technology and they tend to create their own crypto-currency at the same time. It is not a must…
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Gatsby.js builds the fastest possible website. Instead of waiting to generate pages when requested, pre-build pages and lift them into a global cloud of servers — ready to be delivered instantly to your users wherever they are. Source : https://blog.logrocket.com/why-you-should-be-using-jamstack/ https://strapi.io/blog/jamstack https://zocada.com/deep-dive-gatsby-building-a-simple-static-blog…
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The crypto-money G1 is based technically on the blockchain but without the ecological aberration ProofOfWork and on the Relative Theory of Money (TRM) published by S. Laborde (here : https://en.trm.creationmonetaire.info/) in english. We will not talk about the technical side, that can be very interesting, but we will look more into the principles of the TRM. This is where this currency…
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If you are looking to learn how to code, you might want to start with an easier tool. Starting by learning the basis of a language, the key words and main concept (comparison, loops, ...). But once you want to practice CodinGame is a lot of fun ! https://www.codingame.com
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Let's go through this topic and play with this fun toy ! A little history I first tested the Kano OS to play with the story mode, here is a video I found to get a taste of it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE3F9xBoHoQ It is a super original way to explain how a computer works. Using an old-RPG look'n feel, and a little gameplay to discover the map (based on computer's parts). It is good to…
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https://editor.p5js.org/ https://www.npmjs.com/package/p5.createloop https://p5js.org/examples/simulate-game-of-life.html https://p5js.org/examples/simulate-recursive-tree.html https://p5js.org/examples/simulate-koch-curve.html https://p5js.org/examples/hello-p5-drawing.html
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I heard recently about labdoo and gave it a try. I liked the concept of donating old laptops with edubuntu - a linux loaded with educational programs. You can just donate your old devices, but you can as well carry some during your next trip to deliver them to a school nearby your next holiday destination. It is very easy to do, alone or in groups, there are a lot of ressources on their website…
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